A lot of schools and other educational groups are using custom-printed t-shirts in a variety of ways that foster school spirit, enhance safety, or raise much-needed funds. Let’s look at a few of these solutions:
1. T-shirts provide a great break from uniforms
Nearly 20% of public schools in the US now require uniforms for students. For private schools, that number increases. Although as parents we welcome uniforms for enhancing discipline and making mornings a little easier, the same white shirt with khaki pants can get a little stale when seen 180 days in a row.
Some schools are offering a weekly “spirit day”, where students are permitted to wear a custom t-shirt (sold by the school at the beginning of the year) as a break in the monotony. The kids like the change and the school receives some added visibility outside of school.
2. Custom t-shirts are a cost-effective solution for sports teams
Even some elementary schools now have sports teams because the schools recognize the social benefits for the students. Unfortunately, athletics can also be an expensive proposition in this era of shrinking school budgets. A cheaper solution to the typical heavy uniforms for some sports could be a custom t-shirt. They are light, airy, and cost-effective. The kids still feel like part of a team and the school doesn’t have to worry about their athletics budget.
3. If everyone is wearing the same t-shirt, field trips become safer
Field trips are an indispensable part of education, especially in elementary and middle schools. On any field trip, the primary concern of the school staff is the safety of the kids. A great way to keep your ducks in a row is if all of the students are wearing the same custom t-shirt, preferably in a bright color that stands out from the crowd.
Chaperones instantly recognize the kids that belong to the group and know when they stray. T-shirts are also lighter and cooler than their uniform counterparts, keeping the kids more comfortable while they are outside. Again, the custom printing increases your school’s name recognition in the community.
4. T-shirts: A new revenue stream
If the t-shirt is going to be used on a regular basis for school purposes, parents usually have no problem purchasing them from the school at the beginning of the year. You might even want to make some available in adult sizes. Kids often like dressing like their parents and feeling “grown up.” In the T-shirt business, we sometimes call this a “me too program” and it adds up to another revenue stream for the school. The bigger the t-shirt order, the lower the cost per-piece. A profit can be built in to the cost while still making the shirt economical for everyone. It’s a win-win!
Your Turn
Has your school found a cool use for custom printing? Have custom t-shirts solved a previous issue for your school? Share your story and contribute to the conversation in the comments below.
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And if you or your school is interested in bringing your custom t-shirt ideas to life, please use RMR’s Online QuickQuote tool or call 1.800.393.2665 to find out how easy it is to order shirts for your group.